Baby-sitter for pre-school kids
Standard salalry for 5 days working week with 8-10 hours working day
Part-time work with 4-5 hours working day
Payment for Baby-sitter for pre-school kids searching services is 100 % from month payment
Baby-sitter should have special pedagogical education (second level, high), possess the techniques, which aid development kid cogitation, imagination, logic and should know child psychology
- hygienic procedures;
- compliance with treatment regimen
- preparing the meal for kid and feeding according to parent’s regimen
- walking outdoors with the kid
- washing and ironing the kid’s linen
- maintaining the order and cleanness of kid’s room and kid’s toys
- inure for self-service
- reading the books for kid
- practice for speech developing, math, writing
- development games with kid
- drawing with the kid, learning by heard poems and songs
- abidance and accomplishment all parent’s wishes
- visiting the child welfare institutions